Learning Reiki is one of the best ways to have mental clarity! Many individuals have one question that after choosing the Reiki Healing Courses, will they be able to rejuvenate themselves energetically? Well, by studying the course, one can do the Reiki self-healing energy practice, as it is one of the best ways to effectively balance and cleanse the energy as it promotes overall well-being. It is the reason why REIKI IS FOR EVERYONE! 

We have three levels in the course, and one can do the levels, as per their choice. 

  • Level 1 : This level allows the practitioner to connect with the universal life force. Self healing and others healing can be done.
  • Level 2: In this level, the student practices the skills on others with distance healing and opens the energy channels deeply.
  • Master Level : After doing master level, the student comes into the category of teachers and can attune others for Reiki. 

We have Online Reiki Course, so interested individuals can learn it from anywhere across the globe. 

Whether you want to Learn Reiki for your person interest or you want to become a professional Reiki therapist, this course is for you.

Course will include:

  • PDF Notes
  • Distance Attunement (one to one,by scheduling the time with student)
  • Video Lectures
  • Live Sessions & whatsapp support for doubts clearing
  • Assignment
  • Quiz
  • Certificate
  • Course can accessed through web platform and The Healing Cafe Academy android app​

Why Learn Reiki:

  • support a family member or themselves through an illness
  • to start a Healing therapy profession
  • provide reiki as a preventative measure against sickness for themselves, their children, partners and family
  • support themselves during stressful periods and increase their well being
  • allow themselves to feel relaxed just like they do when receiving a reiki treatment
  • manage their pain and ease their suffering
  • go further with their own healing journey
  • compliment other holisitic modalities e.g. massage, physiotherapy etc

Reiki course will  be taught by Reiki Teacher having more than 5 yrs experience in Reiki.

learn the art of energy healing

pdf notes

PDF Notes

Video Lectures

Live Session & whatsapp support




Some of the Students Reviews

reiki course review
The Healing Cafe

